Sufi Quotes of Mian Sher Muhammad Sharaqpuri

Calamities and afflictions descend owing to the bad deeds of people in earth and sea. Some people get requital of their evil deeds in the temporal world.
Calamities and afflictions descend owing to the bad deeds of people in earth and sea. Some people get requital of their evil deeds in the temporal world.

Ascetic practice does not mean that you leave the world and go to jungle. Rather you get busy in your occupation and you heart immersed in His remembrance. Every breath must adore Him.
Ascetic practice does not mean that you leave the world and go to jungle. Rather you get busy in your occupation and you heart immersed in His remembrance. Every breath must adore Him.

You will leave behind everything in this world except pious deeds. Whatever you earn here, shall be recompensed in the Hereafter. The corporeal world in an abode of affliction and the Hereafter an abode of bliss and comfort.
You will leave behind everything in this world except pious deeds. Whatever you earn here, shall be recompensed in the Hereafter. The corporeal world in an abode of affliction and the Hereafter an abode of bliss and comfort.

The virtue of dhikr (remembrance) is boundless and its invocation is highly emphasized, so much so it must be done in every circumstances.
The virtue of dhikr (remembrance) is boundless and its invocation is highly emphasized, so much so it must be done in every circumstances.

Paradise is realm of bliss whose praise is ineffable.
Paradise is realm of bliss whose praise is ineffable.

Remember Him with ardency, wailing and imploring heart.
Remember Him with ardency, wailing and imploring heart.

Keep three things in mind: Think God Omnipresent, when you eat, be careful whether it is lawful or unlawful; think all the people superior to you.
Keep three things in mind: Think God Omnipresent, when you eat, be careful whether it is lawful or unlawful; think all the people superior to you.

Tawhid (Unity) and Risalat (Messengerhood) are coherent with each other. Without Tawhid there is no Messengerhood nor Tawhid is affirmed without Messengerhood.
Tawhid (Unity) and Risalat (Messengerhood) are coherent with each other. Without Tawhid there is no Messengerhood nor Tawhid is affirmed without Messengerhood.

Subject your soul to self-accounting so that you may be at ease on the Day of Reckoning.
Subject your soul to self-accounting so that you may be at ease on the Day of Reckoning.

Affliction, indigence, loss of life and wealth and other calamities are treasures from the treasures of the celestial worlds, but they are conditioned with patience, thankfulness and satisfaction of man with God.
Affliction, indigence, loss of life and wealth and other calamities are treasures from the treasures of the celestial worlds, but they are conditioned with patience, thankfulness and satisfaction of man with God.

He who runs after the gratification of lower-self and temptations of the flesh and then claims that God Most High shall pardon I him, it would be his sheer stupidity.
He who runs after the gratification of lower-self and temptations of the flesh and then claims that God Most High shall pardon I him, it would be his sheer stupidity.

Where unlawful acts become rampant, calamity descends. Former nations were subjected to Divine calamities for this reason.
Where unlawful acts become rampant, calamity descends. Former nations were subjected to Divine calamities for this reason.

Human soul likes good and evil both but is more inclined toward evil. It is incumbent on human to bridle his soul and don’t let it Prone to evil, failing which it would tear him into pieces as beast does.
Human soul likes good and evil both but is more inclined toward evil. It is incumbent on human to bridle his soul and don’t let it Prone to evil, failing which it would tear him into pieces as beast does.
aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair
jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere